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Podcast Roundup: WTF Has WFH Done to My Money?! (Episode 4)

by Sophia | 29 Jul 2020 | 1 mins read

In episode 4, our lone host reflects on what exactly has happened to her spending habits after countless weeks of working from home (WFH). New revelations sprang forth, including thoughts on the things we spend money on and why.

Here’s a quick roundup of what went down:

Pre-COVID Spending =/= Post-COVID Spending

  • Some spending categories may see an increase
  • Others may experience a decrease. For example, transport, since we’re all not commuting to the office anymore
  • With more time at home, we’re spending more time (and money?) on our hobbies: gaming, for example

New Things We’re Spending On During WFH

  • Gifts for friends, even food deliveries, to maintain social connections across a longer distance (in a time of social distancing)
  • If you can’t be physically present, then you’ll find other ways to be present and tell people you miss them
  • It’s important to acknowledge that your budget is not a static thing, since when life changes, your spending habits changes as well
  • When life shifts into a new normal, your budget will likely change again

Listen to the full podcast episode here!