Life | Personal Finance | Personal Stories | Article

My Gym Membership Costs Me US$80 A Month, And I Always Forget To Use It

by The Simple Sum | 25 Mar 2024 | 2 mins read

It’s always something we aspire to do when it’s a new year. To go to the gym regularly and to eat healthy.

I signed up for gym membership last year and it cost me US$80 a month. For the first few months, it was all great and I would hit the gym twice a month or more.

The videos of fitness buffs got me inspired to train hard and have a better body. I also started to eat better, avoiding oily foods.

I don’t know how it started but one day I just realised that I had not gone to the gym for two months. The two months became three, then it became six.

During my off days, I just wanted to stay at home and nap or watch a good movie on Disney Plus and Netflix. Was it the hot weather that made me reluctant to leave the home? I can’t decide.


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There were many times when my thumb would hover over the cancel gym subscription button on my gym app. But, my mind would always wander and say that it would make me slump even more and get lazier.

So I procrastinate and before I know it I only go to the gym a few times a year. Is it justifiable to pay for a subscription that costs US$80 a month, close to US$960 annually and going only a few times a year?

Until today I still have not cancelled my subscription. Sometimes friends talk about going to the gym, and it is good that I still have an account and just casually mention it as well to them. They don’t really know that I don’t go as often as I sound.

It’s also cool to go to the gym, as people do it on social media. So I guess I am keeping the subscription around for a while, for the “lifestyle status”.


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