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What Do You Do On Easter?

by The Simple Sum | 1 Apr 2024 | 2 mins read

Easter, or Easter Sunday is a long weekend public holiday. That’s because there’s also Good Friday which is a public holiday. 

I generally don’t do much on Easter Sunday, except to go out and eat with family or friends. Usually for the long weekend holidays, many will also go on a short trip or staycation to rest. 

This year’s Easter, I think beyond it being a public holiday and a long weekend, perhaps I should channel my thoughts into being appreciative and thankful about what I have. 

Some countries are fighting and it is quite distressing to see the developments. At least for me I can take comfort in knowing that I don’t have to worry about that in my country. 

I also feel thankful to have a good meal, to gather with my family and friends (goodbye Covid-19 lockdowns), and to rest. 

Sometimes we need to take a break and to stop and smell the roses to start appreciating what life has to offer. I may not be rich or wealthy and have a lot of money to spend and buy anything that I want, but at least I know that I am lucky to be in a country where I am generally safe.  

I have enough money to feed myself and I am okay. 

I am also appreciative of the time I get to rest during public holidays, and to be able to reflect on how to be a better person as I grow. 
