#HackIt | Financial Planning | Lifestyle | Personal Finance | Article

5 Non-Negotiable Home Items Worth Investing In

by The Simple Sum Team | 27 Mar 2024 | 6 mins read

This content is sponsored by StarHub. 

When shopping for household items, it is important for you to look beyond just the price tag. Investing in items that are high quality, durable, and that are value-adding to your life could pay off over time, contributing to long-term savings, comfort and convenience, and overall life satisfaction.  

As household items are things that you will be using daily for the next couple of years or even decadesyou should think about these items as long-term investments.

Here are some tried and guaranteed home items that are worth investing in. 

#1 Having Reliable Smart Appliances Helps You Save In The Long Run 

Imagine curling up in bed, pulling the blanket over you and finding the cosiest, snuggest position. As you drift off to sleep, you remember that you forgot to turn off the air-conditioning outside! You begrudgingly get out of bed (electricity is costly!) and grumble all the way there and back. Well, you could have saved yourself all that trouble with a smart home device, which allows you to control appliances via an app.  

Smart home appliances allow you to automate things, reducing the headache of having to do everything yourself. For example, having a robot vacuum cleaner that cleans your house for you, freeing up your time for other things.  

Furthermore, many of these come equipped with energy saving systems that allow you to save electricity. Some devices even track your energy usage, offering valuable insights into your energy consumption patterns.  


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#2 The Importance Of High-Speed Broadband 

Few things in life are more frustrating than getting disconnected while you are on an internet call, when the buffering sign keeps popping up while you watch your favourite sitcom or when your connection lags while you are shopping online, causing you to miss time-sensitive sales. 

Getting a stable high-speed internet connection solves these issues, and more. It also enhances work efficiency and productivity by ensuring that communication, file sharing and video conferencing run smoothly.  

And as it is a norm for households to have multiple smart devices and appliances functioning at any given time, a reliable connection ensures that these devices function at optimal performance without any lag. This also means that multiple family members will be able to be on their own devices simultaneously without any interruptions – your conference call won’t lag just because your little brother decided that it is time to slay some zombies on his computer game.

Hence, it is important that your home is equipped with a high-speed broadband that can accommodate everyone’s growing data needs. With WiFi 7 on StarHub’s UltraSpeed network, you can enjoy up to 4.8x faster speeds and lower latency as compared to WiFi 6.

Plus, compared to WiFi 6, WiFi 7 allows you to connect to 4x more devices simultaneously, while letting you enjoy a more stable and reliable connection. With 20% more data transferred wirelessly, this boosts upload and download speeds, and you’ll be able to stream 8K content and get things done faster and more efficiently.  

#3 Nothing Beats Having Great Home Entertainment 

After a long day at the office and the stressful commute back, nothing beats unwinding at home. Equipping your place with a home entertainment system with streaming services allows you to watch your favourite movies or play video games in the comfort of your own home.  

For the ultimate home entertainment experience, StarHub is offering an all-in-one bundle, inclusive of their UltraSpeed 10Gbps Broadband with WiFi 7 and unlimited entertainment such as the latest Premier League matches, stream shows on Netflix Premium and Disney+ Premium, and gain access to a world of sports content with Sports+ and more for only $110.97 a month. It also comes with a free WiFi 7 router (worth $799).  

With everything you need at your fingertips, you’ll feel like staying home more rather than heading to the movies or to the pub to watch live football matches, which could increase your savings.  

#4 You Need A Safe Home Too

Home safety is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly as it directly impacts your health and security. Equipping your home with safety features mitigates the risk of accidents, theft or damage that can lead to financial losses. 

Moreover, getting smart safety devices such as surveillance cameras, motion sensors and smoke detectors allows you to monitor your home in real-time so you are instantly alerted if safety is breached. This enables you to react swiftly to emergency situations.  

Above all, having a comprehensive security system gives you a heightened sense of security and peace of mind whenever you are travelling or just chilling out at home. 

#5 Why A Good Mattress Is Truly Worth It

Have you ever woken up feeling more tired than you did before you went to sleep? Well, the mattress you sleep on plays a big role in enhancing the quality of your sleep.  

Continuously sleeping on a worn-out or lumpy mattress can affect the natural alignment of your spine which may cause or worsen back pain. It also leads to discomfort, restlessness and sleep deprivation! All of which can affect your physical and mental well-being.  

And as you spend a third of your life sleeping, investing in a durable, high-quality mattress that supports your body is a good long-term investment that can benefit your health, well-being and wallet.  


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Content sponsored by StarHub 

The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives, serving as the backbone for communication, a gateway to information, virtual marketplace, and source of entertainment. As such, a high-speed broadband connection is paramount in ensuring that all these applications run seamlessly with no interruptions. StarHub’s HomeHub+ UltraSpeed with WiFi 7 bundle offers the ultimate broadband experience for the whole family. With this bundle, you get blazing fast internet and unlimited entertainment from Premier League, Netflix Premium, Disney+ Premium, Amazon Prime and more for only $110.97 a month, inclusive of a free WiFi 7 router worth $799. You’ll be saving over $5,800 with this bundle! 

So, treat yourself and your family to the best broadband experience with StarHub’s broadband and entertainment bundle here.